Thursday, September 17, 2020

Sometimes I Write Essays in My Sweaty Kimono


Sometimes I Write Essays in My Sweaty Kimono



Words are signs of natural facts.

Particular natural facts are symbols of particular spiritual facts.

Nature is the symbol of the spirit. ---Ralph Waldo Emerson, Nature Essay


            Today I did what was customary as of recent months---I sat in my car for nearly two hours before Jiu Jitsu class starts and I read. I have the availability of time, even considering after I have worked out my muscles or my cardio. I consider my reading time my time away from the savages of the world to redefine my thinking. It’s my personal oasis. It’s my time to look at the landscape and horizon of my life. My memories are behind me while my hopes are in front of me.

            Emerson is I think one of the greatest Essayists that I have experienced so far. If you look at his life, it’s hard not to see why. Yet in his day you have to consider that there was not the technology or distractions that there are today. He was not checking his Facebook, or playing video games once he got done with his Harvard classes. Back then, an intellectual mind was in a wonderful world to contemplate the nature of a man. What is that nature?

            I think about it like this: a man cannot mock the nature that he lives in. He cannot live an evil life and so not expect that nature will call out to him its revulsion. Nature is a witness for or against a man’s character. This is considered a Godly instilment into the created order of things. There is this universal soul that Emmerson talks about. That soul is called reason. All men belong to it and reason testifies against us by the weakness or strength of our character. It’s fabulous stuff to think about.

            Tonight I realized that Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is also a part of this truthful reason that exists in art from. Art is nothing short of a man’s soul trying to express the beauty he sees in the world, himself, or something in the invisible world trying to call out to those of us who are awake. Taste is the appreciation of that beauty. You cannot fake your way in fighting. Either you have the strength of mind, character, and technique to be able to showcase your abilities in this art form. If I wore a black belt on the Jiu Jitsu mats, I would be discovered as a fraud with immediate circumstance. Once you stop trying to fool yourself, only then can you stop trying to fool others, but many times you are the only one who is fooled until you wake up and realize that you were put to sleep by a veteran grappler.

            Tonight we learned some side control attacks. Before we went over technique, we got smoked with multiple pendulum arm bar drills from the guard. I believe we had to do twenty each. My core was on fire after this. The next drill was multiple triangle set ups. After this we went onto the technique. The first technique was the anaconda from top side control. We drilled this attack multiple times. The next attack was this slick triangle set up from top side control. You trap the arm, move the other arm from your hip, and bring your knee to elbow. And when you are nice and tight, you roll them over on top so that as you are rolling over, they are falling into a nice triangle set up.

            The techniques and drilling lasted for an hour. After that, it was time to roll. There were a bunch of us. Because of the smaller mat space, only five groups were allowed to roll at a time to avoid people’s head getting injured. The first guy I went with was a white belt named Josh. He saw my purple belt from across the room and came calling for me. I gladly accepted. The kid was young. I would say 24-26. He was a brute of a young guy; very strong. Before the match begun, he told me he didn’t know much, and to go easy. That strategy went immediately out the door as soon as I could feel him using every bit of strength and killer instinct to do whatever he could to take my head off. I also noticed that when I tried to calm him down and I would slap a submission on him, he wouldn’t tap. There were a few instances that I knew that if I kept going, he would let his arm, or elbows break. That’s when I knew he was just a guy to play defense with. I don’t care about hurting people and I have nothing to prove to this kid.

            The next roll was against a wrestler named Jason. He was a visitor to the school. He was such a wrestler that he was even wearing the wrestler tights or whatever you call them. I wouldn’t think anything undignified about that, except that he looked well past the age of wrestling, so he was the type of guy to take his wrestling very serious. I would realize that he did. He was very big, athletic, and strong minded as most wrestler guys are. He used some asshole techniques, for instance digging his elbows into my thighs to break my guard open. He was doing a few other reckless things like trying to throw me around. I kept trying to catch him in a nice anaconda choke when he would leave his neck wide open, but he was too strong and sweaty for me to control it. His antics even caught the attention of another purple belt, who was soon taking an audience to this mayhem. He was watching my performance so that he could have a go at this wrestler who it seemed was trying to make sport of this other grappling art called Jiu Jitsu. I was able to keep him in my guard, and recover whenever he would escape. I made his life miserable by breaking down his posture consistently, but I wasn’t getting any submissions on him. He had years of wrestling behind him, and was bringing it. Eventually the match ended. The other purple belt got his licks in on him. I sat and watch. He was unable to do anything ending to this wrestler guy. I talked to the black belt about him, as if I should feel some shame in my lack of performance. The black belt reassured me that we were going up against a monster and that we were doing fine.

            My next match was against a red-headed MMA fighter. He has a purple belt like me in Jiu Jitsu as well. He is a scrappy little white guy. He knows better than to stand up against me because every time he stands up, I get up with him and over power him with my strength and usually start setting up a choke on him. So he will play open guard against each other. He’s tough and as an MMA Fighter, he is in much better shape than me. Yet I kept it even between us both. We each got a single submission on each other. A distinct moment that I remember in the match was when I looked up and caught him giving me the prison-stare-tough-man-look. I immediately felt the anger rush through me as if to say, “Don’t you dare fucking look at me like that”. Anger and strength don’t usually work for you in Jiu jitsu because getting emotional like that usually throws off your concentration and you get outwitted by the guy who just got under your skin. I figured this out after 5 seconds and I decided to stop treating him like my red-headed step child. We kept it cool.

            My final match was against a person I call “Lieutenant Shannon”. She is an Air Force officer at the base that I work at. She’s a skinny red-headed girl with freckles and an aerospace engineering mind. She looks as sweet as a button, but she is strong and she loves Jiu Jitsu. She is recovering from a broken hand in which she had to have metal bolts inserted and then later removed. She is that committed to the art. In Jiu Jitsu, it is not a compliment that you can tap everyone who steps on the mat. I consider it a compliment when the black belt tells you that he feels safe putting you up against all the lower belt girls, because he knows you will not hurt them. But let me tell you, Shannon has enough skill, that if you are not careful, she will catch you in something, broken hand or not.

            That was my night tonight with Jiu Jitsu. I read essays by a man who helped shaped the mood of the American society with his writing. I trained Jiu Jitsu against people who want nothing less to express themselves in the best way they can in this fighting art. Eventually they learn how to take those lessons off of the mat and put them into effect in their regular lives. Jiu Jitsu is amazing stuff. Jiu Jitsu will turn savages into fighting aristocrats. I love it.


Jissoseph out!



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